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- The plan period is for 12 months.
- Monthly Installment of Rs. 1,000/-, 2,000/-, 5,000/- or 10,000/-.
- The member shall pay monthly installment only at the show room.
- Monthly installment shall be paid on or before 10th of every month.
- The Installment can be paid either through Cheque or DD drawn in favour of Shree Sai Jewels Palace payable at Bangalore.
- In case of dishonor of cheque towards installment amount, the customer shall pay a sum of Rs.500.00 in addition to the installment amount.
- Acceptance of defaulted installment amount in case of defaulters is the discretion of the management.
- To join this scheme and to purchase jewellery, submission of ID Proof is compulsory.
- Each member shall receive the PASS BOOK from the management in the beginning of the Scheme. The members shall get the entry of monthly payment entered in their Pass Book regularly and shall preserve the pass Book and Receipts. The management is not responsible for the loss of pass book or receipt or missing entry in the pass book.
- The loss of pass book to be reported to the management immediately. If the member requires duplicate Pass Book / Receipt, then the members shall pay Rs.250.00 apart from submitting their ID proof etc., and upon verification, the management will issue duplicate documents after 15 days and within 20 days of such request.
- One or more memberships can be taken by an individual.
- On payment of every installment, the member is advised to collect the official receipt from the show room.
- The terms of scheme require payment of 11 monthly installments regularly by the customer. In turn the customer would be eligible to get bonus / incentive equivalent to one month’s installments on regular payment of the required monthly installments. Customer would be eligible to purchase any gold jewellery/ silver article or any other item in the show-room in the thirteenth month (i.e. two months after the payment of last installment).
- The customer who pays the required installments as per the terms of the scheme regularly would only be eligible for bonus / incentive.
- This scheme is unique and will not be linked to any other offers, existing or future schemes. It should also not be linked to reserve & order items.
- On Saturday, Sunday and one week prior to the festival day and one week after festival day, the management will not transact regarding this scheme.
- The member of the scheme would not be eligible for any other business promotion incentive / offer other than specified under clause 11 above.
- No benefits of the scheme will be provided in case of premature purchase/Closure.
- Total purchase value shall include the then cost of jewellery, making charges and the then prevailing tax of state/central government/s, other statutory levies, if any etc.
- Even if the customer pays all or any of the installments in advance he/she will not be eligible for the business promotion discount on purchase of jewellery before the maturity date.
- Under no circumstance cash refund will be allowed under the scheme.
- The sales tax and other applicable taxes at the time of sale of the ornament would need to be borne by the members.
- For the settlement/closure their account under the scheme, the member has to submit their passbook, all the receipts along with one id proof.
- All the terms and conditions provided herein are based on the legal provisions in force as on date and are subject to changes in case there is any change in the applicable legal provisions.
- All disputes are subject to jurisdiction of the Civil court Bangalore, Karnataka.
- In respect of member who discontinue in the middle of the scheme would be allowed to purchase gold jewellery for the period up to which installments are paid only and no bonus/other benefits will be eligible for the accrued amount.